Wednesday 1 November 2017

Accept, Listen and Understand

Child Autism is a type of brain disorder that often brings about a lifetime of impaired thinking and social functioning – chief human traits. Generally, autism influences a child’s aptitude to form relationships with others, communicate and react appropriately to the outside world. Autism becomes apparent in kids typically by the age of three.

Autism in children also known as "classical autism" is the most well-known condition among a group of development disorders often addressed as ‘Autism Spectrum Disorders’.

Some other common types that fall under Autism Spectrum Disorders include:-

  •  Asperger Syndrome
  • Childhood disintegrative disorder
  • Rett syndrome
  • Pervasive developmental disorder

In keeping with the view of experts, 3 to 6 children out of 1000 have child autism. Also, males are four times more prone to this disorder than females, whereas females with autism have more severe symptoms with greater levels of cognitive impairment.

Behaviors Associated With Child Autism

Typically, child autism is identified by 3 distinct behaviors:-
  • Challenges in social interaction
  • Display problems that include verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Exhibit obsessive, narrow and repetitive interests.
  • Some autistic children can work at a relatively high level, with intact intelligence and speech.
  • Others may have language delays and severe cognitive impairments, and in some case they never talk.

Treatment for Child Autism

Till date, there is no cure for autism (be it child autism or adult autism). However, behavioral interventions and therapies are designed to bring about considerable improvement.The ideal plan for treating child autism coordinates behavioral interventions and therapies that target the above mentioned common behaviors.Most experts concur that early the execution of plan, the better and quick are the results.

Written By: Dr. Harman